告別追思 iEARN USA 執行長Dr. Tonya Muro

iEARN USA 執行長Dr. Tonya Muro突於上週辭世,Taiwan團隊謹以感恩、不捨、難過的心情追悼這位令人敬重的iEARN國際伙伴。

Dr. Tonya Muro於兩年前接下iEARN USA執行長這極具挑戰性的工作,在這期間內,她與iEARN Taiwan也保持著密切合作伙伴關係。我們在2017年7月份於iEARN摩洛哥年會首次遇見Tonya,認識了這位總是帶著真誠笑容與大家熱烈討論教育議題的學者。不久,在2017年的十月份,Tonya更是特應中正大學教育學研究所之邀,從紐約飛來高雄參與教育部指導的國際教育研討會,擔任主講人。當日她以iEARN國際專案式學習的教學應用為主題,由個人豐富專案經驗佐以清楚的論述,帶給台下的師長們更深入的認識,與創新的啟發。

最後,讓我們以一個溫暖的笑容,感念並追思這位熱情的國際伙伴Dr. Tonya Muro。


Condolences from iEARN Taiwan

We send our deepest condolences to Dr. Tonya Muro’s unexpected passing. During Tonya’s 2-year working as Executive Director of iEARN USA, iEARN Taiwan staff has the honor to know such an inspiring iEARN global patner, also a respectful leader in iEARN society.
In particular, we have met Tonya respectively both in 2017 iEARN Annual Conference in Morocco and also her visit to Taiwan as one of our invited keynote speakers for 2017 K-12 International Education Conference in Taiwan last October. Even in different occasions, we always enjoy to see Tonya’s whole-hearted smile and enthusiastic commitment to iEARN global projects and collaboration. During the conference in Taiwan, her clear introduction and illustration on how iEARN projects can help students to become better global citizens definitely provided a better perspective and inspiration for K-12 educators in Taiwan.